Boban Marjanovic purposely missed a free throw to secure a free chicken giveaway for Clippers fans

Houston Rockets big man Boban Marjanovic has proven that above being one of the funnier NBA players, he’s a man of the people. He knows what the people want, and is willing to give them exactly that.

Case in point: in the Rockets’ final game against the Los Angeles Clippers, Marjanovic was at the free throw line with about five minutes left in the game. The Clippers were running a promotion that states if a Rockets player missed both free throws, then everyone in the stadium was going to get free chicken. Marjanovic, shooting 64.3% from the line this year, missed the first one and heard everyone going crazy because they were one free throw away from free chicken. Marjanovic heard this and knew exactly what had to be done:

Boban is a hero and a scholar for this, because he knew exactly what needed to be done and executed so the people could get free chicken. The moment when Marjanovic points to himself and resigns himself to what he needs to do, everyone in the stadium knew what was about to happen.

Now, there’s the whole thing of ‘intentionally missing a free throw for some chicken in a close game’ that might get him a call from the league office, but let’s be real: it’s the last game of the season, the Rockets were already eliminated, and nothing truly mattered to that point.

The Rockets beat the Clippers anyway, 116-105. It’s ok to have a little fun in the last game of the season, and Marjanovic did exactly that.

If your team is running any chicken promotions and needs a guy to miss free throws, call in Boban.